Hi everyone,
We're back from our trip and slowly readjusting to normal life again. We had a wonderful time with family in the UK celebrating special birthdays, enjoying the english countryside and the english pubs and yes we even had sunshine! It was beautiful taking Willow the dog for walks in the fields and country lanes. Everything was so green and lush which was very refreshing.
I love tuning into the surroundings when I'm walking and on this particular walk the following mantra came into my mind so I thought I'd share it.
"I am grounded in the truth of the universe
I am filled with the love of the universe
I am uplifted with the power of the universe"
It's amazing how powerful words can be. Every word and sound has it's own energy vibration and when we use words intentionally we can connect to and invite in, the resonance of that energy. When I'm saying the above affirmation I'm also visualising energy flowing into the earth, filling my body and connecting me to the sun. As I do this I can feel my nervous system shift into a different state. That is the power of words!
Therefore it's important to use words wisely. How often do we catch ourselves talking down about ourselves? Is there a particular word or phrase you hear yourself using repeatedly either out loud or in your head? Is it empowering or disempowering? Is it helping you feel the way you want to feel? Can you start to be aware of it and retrain yourself to use a different word or phrase?
Pay particular attention to "I am or I'm" phrases. We might say "I'm such an idiot" when what we mean is we've done something idiotic which is very different. Or we might say "I'm unlovable" when what we mean is we haven't experienced feeling loved in any of our previous relationships. When we use phrases like this repeatedly we can start to subconsciously and consciously believe the words which will then colour how we view ourselves and our lives. On the flip side, once we're aware of what we're saying we can choose to change it and therefore change our lives.
Happy re-wording!
And next week we can talk about India...
Carla :)
P.S. Want to re-read a previous email but have deleted it? (accidentally of course!) Not to fear - all previous emails are available on the website blog or facebook.
P.P.S. Online bookings are available for current clients.